House of Flowers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I pay without Paypal Account?

You may pay without Paypal account, although the payment process is made in Paypal (for your Security and ours we use PAYPAL) you don’t have to sign-up for an account. After clicking the link (see Screenshot below) you have to input your Credit Card/Debit Card Info and that’s it. Your payment is securely made using Paypal.


Where should I send my payment if using Bank Transfer Option?

For Gen. Maxilom Branch Orders:

Metrobank AS Fortuna Branch
Account Name: Kalidades
Account #: 401-7-401-004889


For Ayala Branch Orders:

BPI Cebu Ayala II
Account Name: Kalidades House of Flowers
Account #: 9790-0088-28


For SM Seaside Branch Orders:

BDO SM Seaside
Account Name : Angeli E. Lim
Account #: ‎010660002000

Where should I send my payment if using Money Transfer Option?

Sorry! We don’t cater anymore Money Transfer Payments effective Oct. 3 2016.

What will happen if delivery wont be able to locate recipient's address?

We are trying our very best to locate recipient’s address based on customer information, but if we fail to locate recipients address (even if by asking city and barangay halls) we will then have to call recipient to ask for more specific details. If address is within Cebu City we can deliver flowers again, for cities outside Cebu City , option would be to have the flowers picked up on our shop or to deliver the flowers during other deliveries that are at the same route with the delivery address. To avoid this situation, pls give us more specific details (e.g landmark, gate color, house number, house color, other details) for a more efficient delivery.

Do I get a refund if recipient refuses to accept flowers?

In situations like this, we will inform customer, but we will not grant a refund.

Where can I pay if I have issues on Shipping Payments and Other Payment Issues?

You may be able to pay online in case you forgot to add Shipping Payments, or if you want to pay for other Payment Issues by clicking here or visit this page

How do I avail of the Harana?

Availing of the harana is fast and easy! you fill out the Harana Request Form first for us to check schedule availability. You will receive an email from us confirming your schedule and total including delivery charges. Payment can be made through

Please be informed that we need the payment to confirm the haranista’s schedule.

Where can I pay for Harana Request?

You may pay your Harana Request by clicking here or going to this address